Waterford-New England Birds

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ISBN-EAN 9781583551721
Uitgever Waterford Press
Jaar van uitgave 2012
Formaat 21x10cm uitklapbaar tot 56cm
Bindwijze Paperback
Taal Engels
Levertijd 1-5 dagen
Soort Natuurgidsen

Shoreline, marsh, lakes, forest — New England is a birdwatcher's paradise due to the diversity of its terrain. New England Birds will help to identify over 140 familiar species with beautiful detailed illustrations. Created and printed in the USA, this guide was updated in 2012 with a new cover design and a back panel map highlighting prominent birding hotspots in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Laminated for durability, this guide will conveniently fit into a pocket when you want to reach for your camera or binoculars. A perfect resource for the seasonal traveler or year round resident

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