Gran Paradiso - Wandern auf der Piemontesischen Seite des Nationalparks

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ISBN-EAN 9783858695390
Uitgever Rotpunkt Verlag
Jaar van uitgave 2013 1st edition
Formaat 19x13cm 240 pages. paperback
Taal German
Levertijd 3
Soort Hiking guides
Over Stock and Stein, with a few Languages ​​and with Schmucke Dörfer: Routes on royal roads in the Gran-Paradiso-Nationalpark
That wanted to endeck Piedmont

The landscape is steep and wild. Es dominates the extensive high mountain landscape with ridges and steep slopes of the Gneiss Gestein, Gletschern, Schuttfeldern, Karseen. The royal landscape and other historical paths with fantastic views of the surroundings, a fascinating natural landscape with extensive flora and fauna to experience, and a truly unique Alp region te, good faith in religious and religious construction. Ausgeuchte Osterien serve die vorzügliche Küche des Piemonts.

The Gran Paradiso National Park covers large areas in the Autonomous Region of the Valle d'Aosta and in the Region of Piemont. Während der valdostanische Teil dieses Nationalparks gut erschlossen ist, liegt der piemontesische Teil noch ganz im Abseits. Dieser Wanderführer describes a neuntätige Wanderung, who first am on the edge of the National Parks and last, during the National Park vom Soana-Tal ins Orco-Tal führt. At the end of your day, your journey will be described in detail in the core of the National Parks. This makes for a high-alpine variant with fun stages.
-Pressee echo-
»›Gran Paradiso‹ – der Name hat Klang, aber nur die wenigsten were mal dort und ein Teil des Nationalparks ist bedroht von Entvölkerung, von Abwanderung. In the new book of cultural geographers Professor Werner Bätzing, so that you can experience your life with a healthy tourism, with a healthy tourism. Plakativ gesagt: Wanderer erwünscht!«
Ernst Vogt, Bayern 1 – Rücksackradio , 26. October 2013

»The comfort of transportation is not a problem, but it is also a matter of high altitude and more information about it, and it is also important to know that the Piemontesische Küche am Abend: You can find the most delicious meals in small restaurants and restaurants. Having an often fresh piemontese cuisine and all kinds of diets is enough to enjoy and enjoy the piemontese wine, it is an experience and a pleasure for me to spend a day exploring; and that they live in an atmosphere, that man lives so well.«
Werner Bätzing in Interview with Ernst Vogt, Bayern 1 – Rücksackradio , 26. October 2013

»The current events, including historical photos, are present in the band, but more than a Wanderführer ist. Bätzing/Kleider is a lot of information about reading the information about the history of the region and the overall perspective of the wonders that can be found in the Alps. This whole review can be found here .
Hannes Schlosser, Die Alpenkonvention , No. 02/2013

»A good shaper and detail-oriented Wanderführer, the information for and the care of the children in the Gran Paradiso-Nationalpark is complete!«
Lothar Sowada, Berliner Bergsteiger No. 04/2013

»That is the fourth band of the German Wanderführerduos Werner Bätzing / Michael Kleider for the Italian Südalpen, the diesmal who are living unbeknownst Seite des Gran-Paradiso-Nationalparks in gewohnt souveräner Manner. With a background knowledge, with two attractive treks from new and fun days, from the one on the high alpine king's hiking trail, with day trips from your trip and also with stunning images, which you can always tell us: You can also enjoy the wonderful experiences of the world grandiose Alpine legends. Zum Beispiel eben diese Piemontesische Südabdachung des Gran Paradiso: eine grassig-granitene Gebirgslandschaft, in welcher die Bergbauern geniale Pfade und Höfe built.«
Daniel Anker, NZZ , 24. May 2013

»Since 1861 to 2011, the daily life of the population has been around 80% and the time has passed since 2500. A trend change, who is living in the exposed French Alps, as a result of Pendler and Pensionäre, is not new in the future. Sight. The driving duo is committed to ensuring future tourism, and also to their future destinations. After the Lektüre möchte man gern seinen Beitrag leisten.«
Manuela Ziegler, Alpenmagazin , 2. May 2013

»Es gibt kleine Paradiese, wo man sie nicht nur nicht vermutet, sondern an Orten, who knows practically little. This is the place where the Pontese hut is, the Rifugio Pontese over the valley of the Orco in the Gran Paradiso National Park.«
Georg Bayerle, Bayern 1 "Rucksackradio" , 27. April 2013

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